Site Alterations
Site Alterations in the City of Thorold
City of Thorold's Site Alteration By-law is in place to control the modification of grades on private property by land owners. This control restricts the import and export of soil from properties in the City of Thorold without specific permission.
The goals of the by-law is to:
- Control the quality of soil added to or removed from private properties with in the city
- Ensure proper drainage during and after the alteration
- Ensure proper transportation of materials coming to or leaving the site.
Specific exemptions include the import of soil or soil additives for the use in agricultural proposes and all works controlled by other City of Thorold agreements/permits, such as subdivision agreements, site plan agreements and building permits.
2024 Site Alteration Permits
13030 Lundy's Lane |
Staff are inviting feedback from residents regarding the Site Alteration located 13030 Lundy’s Lane. The discussion will include details about the addition of fill material for on-site grading work related to the proposed development application.
Public Meeting #1 Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Contact: Ugo Obiako, M.Eng., P.Eng., CET Frankie Sica
2023 Site Alteration Permits
3363 Highway 58 |
Visit project page. |
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