Contact Us

close up of microphone with audience behind

Customer Service

We are a Scent-free Environment

Sensitivities and allergies to scents, smells, and chemicals can be very serious for some people, ranging from sneezing and headache, to a full anaphylactic reaction.

Supporting initiatives to ensure our workplace is a healthy and safe environment is everyone's responsibility. Thank you for your co-operation in upholding a scent-free environment.

City of Thorold Contact Information

3540 Schmon Parkway
P.O. Box 1044
Thorold, ON L2V 4A7
Phone: (905) 227-6613 
Fax: (905) 227-5590
TTY: (905) 227-6206 
After-hours phone: (905) 227-3521

Facility Contact Information

Allanburg Community Centre

1560 Falls St RR 2,
Allanburg, ON L0S 1A0

Phone: (905) 227-6613 x403

Cemetery Services

3651 Thorold Townline Road
Thorold, ON L2V 3Y5

905-227-6613 x264 

Darlene Ryan Port Robinson Community Centre

40 Cross St.,
Thorold, ON L0S 1K0

905-227-6613 x335

Thorold Community Arenas

70 Front St N.,
Thorold, ON L2V 1X6

905-227-6613 x403 

Thorold Public Library

14 Ormond St N.,
Thorold, ON L2V 1Y8

(905) 227-2581  

Thorold Seniors' Centre

8 Carleton St S.,
Thorold, ON L2V 5C2


Lock 7 Tourism Centre

50 Chapel St S,
Thorold, ON L2V 2C6

Phone: 905-680-9477

 Additional Resources
Additional Resources

CN Railway: 1-888-888-5909 or

Enbridge Gas: 1-877-362-7434

Hydro One: Customer Service 1-888-664-9376 - Emergency 1-800-434-1235

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks: 1-800-565-4923

Ministry of Natural Resources: 1-800-667-1940

Ministry of Transportation: 511 or 1-888-310-1122

GFL Environmental Inc.:  Recycling: 1-855-769-3760 |  Large item pickup: 1-855-971-4550

Niagara Regional Police: Non- Emergency Line - 905-688-4111.  Emergency - dial 911.

Niagara Regional Police Traffic Complaints: 289-248-1060 or

Ontario Power Generation (OPG): 1-416-592-2555 



Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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