Thorold Community Pool
Welcome to the Thorold Community Pool!
Our outdoor facility is operational each summer between late June and Labour Day Weekend. We offer a diverse range of aquatic programs including drop-in programs, swimming lessons, advanced aquatics, and facility rentals. We also have a splash pad onsite that is available to residents to use during Public and Family swims.
Storm Watch ⛈️ The Thorold Community Pool is temporarily closed due to inclement weather. Our lifeguards are watching the thunder and lightening closely. If the storm passes, they plan to reopen. Please call the pool direct at 905-227-6613 ext. 330 for continual updates.

The Thorold Community Pool will open for the season this June 2024.
The City of Thorold offers Family Swims, Public Swims, Lane Swims and Aquafit Classes. Get ready to make a splash!

The City of Thorold offers lessons for all ages and abilities. Registration opens May 13th for Thorold residents and May 21st for non-residents.

Interested in becoming a lifesaver or lifeguard? Check out our Advanced Aquatic Programs. Programs are available for youth, teens and adults with strong swimming skills.

Have an upcoming event? Why not book a private rental? We offer rental blocks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Find out more about bookings today!
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