Community Grants

Community Grants

The City of Thorold offers grants to groups and organizations to help support community programs and events.

Recreation, Arts and Culture Grant: The application period is open from Monday, December 16th and will close Friday, January 17th at 11:59 p.m. If you need help completing the application or have questions, please contact 

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted after this time. 

Recreation, Arts and Culture Grant Fillable Application

All applications must be submitted by email to with a subject line reading “Recreation, Arts and Culture Grant Submission for 2025 – (name of group submitting)”. Any relevant or required attachments must be included in the same email as your completed application. 

 Recreation, Arts and Culture Community Grant

Application Process 


The City of Thorold is aware that various groups within the community promote and improve upon the recreational, arts, and cultural well-being of the community. In the course of annual budget deliberation and subject to budget constraints, Council may approve discretionary grants to support and assist community based groups that will be of a direct or indirect benefit to the citizenry of the City of Thorold, based on consideration of the terms and considerations of this Policy.

This policy provides for two types of grants: a direct grant of funding and an “in-kind” contribution grant. “In-kind” grants include the contribution of municipal equipment and/or human resources. The financial value of in-kind service requested by applicants will be identified by the relevant municipal departments and submitted to the Recreation Coordinator prior to the applications evaluation process. The Municipality will consider the financial value of the in-kind services during the application evaluation process.


The goal of the grant program is to improve the quality of life and well-being of the residents of Thorold in Council’s estimation by:

  • Addressing identified recreational, arts, and cultural needs in the community.
  • Supporting the provision of new or innovative recreational, arts, and cultural services to residents, and thereby increasing the diversity of services.
  • Providing financial assistance to service providers where adequate funding for the proposed service is not available from other sources.
  • Assisting with one-time special requests for assistance associated with other not easily classified needs and services, including those related to disasters or other unforeseen circumstances (to be considered by Council on the merit of each request). 

Before you apply, please ensure that you have read the Recreation, Arts and Culture Grant Policy 100-08. 

Tourism and Economic Development Grant - Not available at this time

 The City of Thorold is aware that various groups within the community promote and improve upon the economic well-being of the community. In the course of annual budget deliberation and subject to budget constraints, Council may approve discretionary grants/sponsorship to support and assist community based groups that will be of a direct or indirect economic benefit to the City of Thorold, based on consideration of the terms and considerations of this Policy.


This policy provides for two types of grants/sponsorship: a direct grant of funding and an “in-kind” contribution grant. “In-kind” grants include the contribution of municipal equipment and/or human resources. The financial value of in-kind service requested by applicants will be identified by the relevant municipal departments and submitted to the Recreation Coordinator prior to the applications evaluation process. The Municipality will consider the financial value of the in-kind services during the application evaluation process.


The goals of the tourism and economic development grant/sponsorship program are:

  1. To support tourism development and/or economic development based projects/events in Thorold to benefit residents and/or local business.
  2. To enhance and encourage partnerships with local non-profit organizations for projects or events that increase tourism development and/or economic development in the City of Thorold.
  3. To encourage and provide financial support to events that can be proven to have true potential for bringing increased non-resident / tourist spending into the City.
  4. To promote and enhance the profile of Thorold as a tourism/shopping/business destination through the external marketing and promotion of special events hosted within the City.
  5. To promote and assist in the development of self-sustaining tourism and economic development related special events in Thorold.
  6. To promote and ensure accountability of public funds contributed to events.
  7. To ensure that municipal contributions to events are made based upon reasonable and quantifiable facts and projections, and not upon assumptions or speculation.

Before you apply, please ensure you have read the Tourism and Economic Development Policy 100-07

Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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