Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting

Family walking with dog down sidewalk

City Hall Spring

The City of Thorold is situated south of Lake Ontario and centrally located in the Niagara Region; The City has a total population on of 22,000 residents with a number of parks and facilities that serve its community; there are a total of 20 municipal facilities including libraries, community centres and arenas.

The management of these facilities are a key part of the Strategic Plan, 2024-2027 under Priority 2: Vibrant and Prosperous Community as well as Priority 3: Sustainability, which state management actions for the maintenance of recreational facilities; expanding and enhancing infrastructure to enable sustainable growth and economic development; and the prioritization of infrastructure projects based on critical needs, aging systems, environmental risks, and community needs.

This Energy and Conservation Demand Management (CDM) Plan aligns with the priorities of the Strategic Plan and charts a new five-year road map for 2024-2029 with transformative initiatives that build on past accomplishments in energy efficiency and renewable energy that included lighting, heating, cooling and ice plant upgrades, as well, as rooftop solar PV systems for the City’s facilities. While these accomplishments supported an overall reduction in energy use of 18% from 2022 to 2023—new initiatives need to be pursued to chart a sustainable and transformative path for community, financial and environmental benefits. These benefits can be realized starting with a net zero study that includes the following initiatives:

  1. Create an implementation road map that targets net zero energy and emissions
  2. Pursue 5 and 10 year reduction targets while planning for a longer term 20 year target
  3. Study and model options for energy efficiency, conservation and renewable technology
  4. Apply for third party study funding
  5. Develop action plans for the City’s larger energy consuming facilities which are City Hall,
  6. Operations, Frank Doherty Arena and the Thorold Aquatic Centre

Click below to read the full report with all of the details >>>

Energy Consumption Report 2024-2029

Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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