Boards and Committees

Happy people with their hands in the air

2022-2026 Committee and Board Applications

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants for appointment must be:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • A land owner or tenant in the City of Thorold or;
  • A business owner in the City of Thorold

Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 3, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. If you are applying for multiple Committees/Boards, please fill out a separate application. 

Online Application

Successful applications will be chosen by City Council at their meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

Please note, hard copy applications are also available to be picked up at City Hall and can be submitted to City Hall reception once completed.

Legislative Committees

Committee of Adjustment

Chair: John Theisen

Vice Chair: Kieran Daniels

Secretary Treasurer: Angela Nesbitt, Planning Clerk 

Members: Kieran Daniels, Peter DiPaola, Glen Jackson, Edward Pizzo, George Ravenek, John Theisen 

Terms of Reference: Committee of Adjustment 

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

For more information visit our Committee of Adjustment page. 

Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from seven partner municipalities in Niagara: Grimsby, Lincoln, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Pelham, Port Colborne, Thorold, and West Lincoln. The committee's mandate is to promote equal opportunity and accessibility by identifying and removing barriers for people with disabilities.  

2022-2026 Council Term Appointments to the JAAC: Janice Desroches, and Joey Hewitt. 

2025 Meetings will be held on the following Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

- January 9

- March 13

- May 8

- July 17

- September 18

- November 13

For information about the JAAC, contact the Office of the Clerk at 905-227-6613, or visit our accessibility page here: Accessibility - City of Thorold

Committees of Council

Age-Friendly Committee

Chair: Jean D’Amelio Swyer

Vice Chair: Leslie Daniels 

City Councillor: Tim O'Hare

Staff Liaison: Dave Baldoni, Manager of Community Services

Members: Muhammad Anees, Brenda Bator (Thorold Seniors Centre Representative), Barb Daly, Jean D'Amelio Swyer, Leslie Daniels, Marilyn Fraser, Michael Hayes, Joey Hewitt (JAAC Representative)  

Terms of Reference: Age-Friendly Committee

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Additional resources:

Diversity Equity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

Chair: Rene Nand

Vice Chair: Saba Qazi

City Councillors: Henry D'Angela, Tim O'Hare

Staff Liaison: Nicholas Debono, City Clerk

Members: Janice Desroches, Andrew Foster, Cameron Macpherson, Heather McLean, Rene Nand, Dennis Nsafoah, Manju Kumari Poudel, Saba Qazi, Terence R. Schilstra

Terms of Reference: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity Advisory Committee

Chair: Mark Freeman

Vice Chair: Joe Atkinson

City Councillors: Anthony Longo, Tim O'Hare

Staff Liaison: TBD

Members: Joe Atkinson, Linda Borland, Leslie Daniels, Mark Freeman, Helen Hermansen, Natalie Green (NPCA Representative), Amber Schmucker, Ratna Raj Timsina, Zachary Zhang  

Terms of Reference: Environment, Climate Change & Biodiversity Advisory Committee

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Heritage Advisory Committee

Chair: Anna O'Hare

Vice Chair: Winsome Stec

City Councillor: Tim O'Hare

Staff Liaison: TBD

Members: Linda Borland, Ray Borland, Johnathan Charron, Mary Dekeyzer, Anna O'Hare, Tom Russell, Riccardo Soccio, Winsome Stec, Dave Tufford

Terms of Reference: Heritage Advisory Committee 

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)


Parks, Trails and Recreation Advisory Committee

Chair: Kieran Daniels

Vice Chair: Marsha Coppola

City Councillors: Mike De Divitiis, Ken Sentance

Staff Liaisons: Dave Baldoni, Manager of Community Services and Brooke Nicholson, Program Coordinator

Members: Joe Atkinson, Sean Callaghan, Marsha Coppola, David Cribbs, Kieran Daniels, Peter DiPaola, Cheryl Gordon, Jeff Ickovich, Deborah Isherwood, Rich McCulloch, Robert Merrill, George Ravenek, Meagan Wright    

Terms of Reference: Parks, Trails and Recreation Advisory Committee

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Road Safety Advisory Committee

Chair: Michael Milburn

Vice Chair: Vikram Prabhakar

City Councillors: Carmen DeRose, Henry D'Angela 

Staff Liaisons: Sean Dunsmore, Manager of Engineering; Steve Santo, Manager of Public Works

Members: Sean Callaghan, Donna Murphy Del Cueto, Rebecca Hawman, Todd Lantz (NRPS), Michael Milburn, Vikram Prabhakar, Matthew Tilbrook  

Terms of Reference: Road Safety Advisory Committee

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Town and Gown Committee

Chair: Mayor Ugulini 

Vice Chair: Mark Lefebvre

City Councillors: Mayor Ugulini, Ken Sentance, Mike De Divitiis

Staff Liaison: Natalie Stickles, Community Relations Specialist

Community Members: Carmella Broccolo-Criger, Gary Citrigno, Marsha Coppola, Mark Lefebvre

Community Partners: Brock University Representatives: Off-Campus Housing Officer, Student Union, Brock Administration/Student Affairs, Graduate Students' Association. Niagara College Representatives: Director of Student Services, Student Union. Niagara Regional Police Services, Niagara Region Waste Management       

Terms of Reference: Town and Gown Committee 

Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Community Liaison Groups

Active Transportation Community Liaison Group

The Active Transportation Community Liaison Group will work to encourage safe active transportation, as well as, development of new infrastructure that allows people to safely use human-powered forms of travel for transportation, commuting and recreational purposes more often.

Staff Liaison: Sean Dunsmore, Manager of Engineering

Community Events Community Liaison Group

The Community Events Advisory Group is to enhance special events within the City of Thorold and assist staff by providing input regarding planned special events in Thorold.

Staff Liaison: Dave Baldoni, Manager of Community Services

 Lake Gibson Corridor Community Liaison Group

The Lake Gibson Corridor Community Liaison Group will work toward the preservation from the Lake Gibson corridor from Allanburg to the Short Hills Provincial Park.

Staff Liaison: TBD

Tourism Community Liaison Group

The Tourism Community Liaison Group will work to gather insight on strategies to grow tourism with the City of Thorold. 

Staff Liaisons: Tessa Buonocore, Assistant to the Mayor & Council 

Boards of Management

Allanburg Community Centre Board of Management

Chair: Kyle Berketo 

Vice Chair: Linda Prytula

Councillor: Ken Sentance

Staff Liaison: Dave Baldoni, Manager of Community Services

Members: Kyle Berketo, Steve Cecchini, Carol Clifford, Juliea Hollingsworth, Linda Prytula

Terms of Reference: Allanburg Community Centre Board of Management

Board Agendas and Minutes (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Darlene Ryan Port Robinson Community Centre Board of Management

Chair:  Marty Wilson 

Vice Chair: Rae Whitty

Councillor: TBD.

Staff Liaison: Dave Baldoni, Manager of Community Services

Members: Donna Berry, Rachael Haynes, Lauren Michael, Linda Prytula, Marty Wilson, Rae Whitty

Terms of Reference: Darlene Ryan Port Ryan Community Centre Board of Management 

Board Agendas and Minutes (2022-2026 Term of Council)

Public Forum Committees 

What is a Public Forum Committee?

The Public Forum Committee provides a resident or a group of residents the opportunity to meet with Council, the City's Chief Administrative Officer and the appropriate Department Director or senior member of staff to discuss the resident's concern in a less formal manner than a Council meeting. 

While we cannot guarantee a satisfactory resolution to every issue brought forward, residents will come away with a better understanding of City policy or procedure with regard to their concerns.

How do I request to meet with a Public Forum Committee?

​Make your request, in writing or by email, to the City Clerk no later than two weeks before the next scheduled Council meeting. Your request must include a brief description of the issue so that we may prepare for the meeting accordingly.

Public Forum Committee meetings are scheduled by the City Clerk for 5:30 p.m. for 30 minutes immediately prior to the commencement of a regularly scheduled Council meeting.

The City Clerk will contact you with the meeting date and time as soon as arrangements can be confirmed.

Please contact the Clerk's Department at 905-227-6613 if you have any questions about Public Forum Committees or if you require contact information for any of the City's Department Directors.

NOTE: Insurance Claims or legal action against the City are under the purview of the City's adjuster and insurer and may not be discussed at any time with any member of Council or staff.

 Agencies, Boards and Commissions 

Thorold Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Chair: Serge Carpino 

Vice Chair: Laurie-Anne Lamothe

Secretary: TBD

Treasurer: TBD

Marketing Chair: Terri-Lynn Woodhouse

Beautification Chair: Santino Perri

Councillors: Ken Sentance, Mike De Divitiis

Terms of Reference: Thorold Business Improvement Area

​Committee Mandate: To support and promote business in the downtown Business Improvement Area. 


Mailing Address: PO Box 1044, Thorold, ON   L2V 4A7

 Thorold Municipal Non-Profit Housing Board

​Chair: John Kenny

Vice Chair: Mike De Divitiis

Councillors: Mike De Divitiis, Ken Sentance

Members: Joe Atkinson, Karen Blackley, Dawn Dobbie, John Kenny, Edward A. Pizzo   

Thorold Public Library Board

Chair: Tony Vandermaas

Vice Chair: Larry Cohen

Councillor: Ken Sentance 

Members: Larry Cohen, Dodi Colquhoun, Jean D'Amelio Swyer, Leonard Ferry, Andrew Foster, Fred Neale, Linda Prytula, Dean Taylor, Tony Vandermaas, Elizabeth Yates        

Terms of Reference: Thorold Public Library Board

Mandate: To manage and operate the public library in accordance with the Public Libraries Act.


Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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