
Family walking with dog down sidewalk

Sign Permits

Sign Permit application form

Sign Permit Fee Schedule

The City of Thorold’s Sign By-Law 44-2018 regulates regulates all outdoor signs and advertising space. This by-law ensures that signs are not a safety hazard and assists in maintaining a clean and positive image for our city.

The Sign By-law controls the type of signs such as mobile or ground, size, location, number and display timelines for all signs.

Submit a completed application form with two sets of scaled construction drawings showing the size and construction of the proposed sign(s) and two (2) sets of a site plan showing the location of the proposed sign(s).

Any questions, please contact the City of Thorold at  905-227-6613 (Monday - Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm)

Pool Permit

Pool Permit Application form

Pool Permit Package

Fence Requirement Package 

A permit is required prior to commencing the installation of any outdoor swimming pool or swimming pool enclosure.

The review of your submitted package will not begin until all the required information is submitted and the application package is deemed complete. An Officer will then review the submitted application package for compliance with all applicable by-laws and other regulations. This process may take up to two (2) weeks. You will be contacted when the permit is available for pickup.

 A complete application package shall include:

  • a completed application form
  • all required drawings and plans
  • all permit fees and deposits

It is the responsibility of the Property Owner to obtain approval from the Region of Niagara Engineering department for installation of an outdoor swimming pool on any property which is not serviced by a Municipal Sanitary sewer. This is to ensure that the installation of the outdoor swimming pool will not interfere with the operation of the existing sanitary septic system.

Any questions, please contact the City of Thorold at  905-227-6613 (Monday - Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm)

Outdoor Patio Permit

Application Form

Indemnification Form

The Outdoor Patio Permit application requirements include:

  • Required application fee of $300.00 for a new permit or $50.00 for a renewal (fee waived by Mayor and Council at their Council Meeting dated February 8, 2021)
  • 2 copies of a plan drawn to scale (to be attached in the application) showing:
    • the lands to which the application applies (complete with detailed dimensions)
    • the location of trees, light fixtures, hydrants, signs, etc.
    • the general layout of permitted furniture and perimeter fencing
    • all building entrances and dimensions
    • Proof of insurance which includes coverage which identifies the Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, Thorold ON,   L2V 4A7 as an additional insured (not required if the patio IS NOT on City property) (insurance must be for a minimum $2 million) (to be attached in the application)
    • Indemnification form (see above) sign off to release the City from all claims for damages (not required if the patio IS NOT on City property)
    • Revised Fire Safety Plan to address the patio/extension (if facility has an approved Fire Safety Plan) (to be attached in the application should it be required)

Please submit the above application form (with all attachments included) and the Indemnification Form (if required) to start the patio permit process. 

Once both forms are completed, they will automatically be emailed to the Planning and Development Services Department and you will be contacted shortly.

Any questions, please contact Angi Nesbitt at 905-227-6613 x 259 or

Vehicle Permit(s)

Application for a Permit for an Inoperative Motor Vehicle

Clean Yards By-Law 146-2019

For the purposes of this By-law Inoperative motor vehicles are considered waste and as such are not permitted to be stored in the yard of a property. (See 1.2.1 (7) and 2.4.1).

A vehicle may fall under the definition of Inoperative motor vehicle while still having a valid reason for being on the property. In an effort to work with the public in this regard two types of permits are offered to allow a vehicle to be present on your property without violating the requirements of the clean yards by-law.

Work in Progress Vehicle Permit $50

This permit is intended for vehicles, in transition from non-functional to functional. Generally, it is for those vehicles, which are being repaired, restored or reconstructed with intention of making them operable.

Once a Work In Progress Permit is issued, it is valid for 180 days. When expired, the vehicle must be operable, able to qualify for a Special Interest Permit or removed from the property. A vehicle is NOT eligible for more than one Work In Progress Permit.

During the allotted time of the Work In Progress Permit the vehicle must be covered with a suitable cover at all times when the vehicle is not actively being repaired.

General Provisions

  • Vehicles under permit shall be stored in a legal driveway at all times.
  • Permits are Non-Transferable to other vehicles or other properties.
  • Only One Permit per property
  • Any loose vehicle parts will be subject to the provisions of the Clean Yards by-law.

Special Interest Vehicle Permit $50

This permit is intended for vehicles, which are fully functional, however for one reason or another are not properly licensed to be driven on the road. In order for a vehicle to be eligible for a Special Interest Vehicle Permit, it shall meet the following criteria:

  • It must contain an engine that starts and is capable of running for 5 consecutive minutes;
  • It must be able to move forward and backward 3m (9.8 ft.) under its own power; and
  • It must be able to stop/ brake using its own mechanical means.

Once a Special Interest Vehicle Permit is issued, it does not expire, however the vehicle shall be subject to annual inspections. The permit holder must call annually to arrange for the necessary inspections.

Examples: (Race Cars, Classic Autos, Seasonal Vehicles, Uninsured vehicles. etc.)

Any questions, please contact the City of Thorold at  905-227-6613 (Monday - Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm)


Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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